What If You Died
for 4 Minutes?
Just What If? by Allan Hall
Filming & Editing for Allan's testimony.
In June 2022, Allan Hall suffered a pulmonary embolism and was rushed to the Hospital. He lay dead for 4 minutes, unresponsive to every effort from the doctors and nurses. But God wasn't finished.

Waterwalker Co.
A Prophetic Clothing Brand
My personal clothing brand, and my favorite project of all time.
Branding, web design, & clothing design for the faith-based clothing brand, Waterwalker Co.
Inspired by the original Waterwalker, Jesus.

The Blessed Overcomer
The Todd & Laura Shoemaker Story
Photography & Cover design for The Blessed Overcomer book by Todd & Laura Shoemaker. A memoir documenting Todd's journey through suffering from multiple illnesses for over 17 years. Order your copy today!